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Flea Market Insiders Media Kit

We appreciate your interest in advertising with us. Flea Market Insiders offers a number of options to advertise your business or product through our channels. We offer tailor-made packages, based on the following options:

Your advertising options and potential reach with Flea Market Insiders

1. Email Newsletter Ad

You can use a banner ad or up to 100 words of text.

✔️ Subscribers: 9,544 (regularly scrubbed)
✔️ Open rate: 20% to 43%
✔️ Email frequency: Bi-Monthly
✔️ # of opens: 3,000+/-
✔️ Avg. subscribe rate: 682 new readers per month

RATES (per single email):

  • Top ad: $175
  • Middle ad: $150
  • Bottom ad: $125

Bulk rates negotiable.

2. Blog post ad

You can place a banner ad or text-based ad sitewide (except various landing pages).

  • Average Monthly Visitors: 39,875
  • Average Monthly Pageviews: 69,000

Ad Banner RATES:

  • Top ad (below featured image): $475/month
  • Middle ad: $375/month
  • Bottom ad: $250/month
  • Sidebar top (300×250): $350/month
  • Sidebar “sticky” half page ad unit (300×600px): $535/month

Sponsored content RATES:

  • Sponsored article: $340 ($455 if copy provided by us)
  • Sponsored link (est. 1000 impr./month): $125/year (or $455 as a one-time purchase)

Bulk rates negotiable.

Website Demographics & Devices

Country breakdown

Flea Market Insiders Demographics Devices

Email opens (MailerLite)

email open rate FMI

Device breakdown

Device breakdown flea market insiders

Flea Market Insiders’ demographic: age and gender

Age and gender demographic FMI

About Flea Market Insiders

Flea Market Insiders is all about sharing valuable information, and tips about collecting, buying, and selling antiques, as well as featuring the best antique fairs and flea markets from around the world. Our goal is to share our insider’s tips and make our passion for flea markets and antiques contagious.

Our audience is mostly comprised of educated, modern, and socially responsible individuals and professionals with relatively high incomes and purchasing power, and a strong interest in interior design, traveling and shopping for antiques and collectibles.

Start advertising today:

If you would like to discuss an advertising campaign, you can email us at


  • All ads are subject to our approval
  • All rates in USD (payment accepted in USD, GBP, EUR)
  • Payment required in full up-front via Paypal.
  • Text-based ads will be made clear that it’s a paid ad.