Flea market near me – haven’t we all typed those four words into a search engine and hoped for the best?
With hundreds of thousands of flea markets taking place around the world every weekend, it can be difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. Some flea markets have hundreds of vendors selling quality antiques and vintage items. Others do not even deserve to be called boot sales or junkyards.
That’s why at fleamarketinsiders.com, we pride ourselves on researching, reviewing, and featuring only the best flea markets from around the world. From California to Singapore, through the best places in Europe and the US East Coast, we’ve reviewed over 3000 flea markets, vintage stores, and antique shops, and only kept the 1200 best for our online directory.

But we didn’t stop there. We went the extra mile and created fleamapket.com, an interactive map of the world’s best flea markets and antique fairs in the world. Finding a flea market near you that is actually worth the trip is at the heart of Fleamapket’s mission. Our readers can easily find flea markets on the map or by browsing different categories, such as foodie flea markets, scenic marketplaces, or by country.
However, one of the great features of fleamapket.com is that you can easily find a flea market near you. Here is how to do it.
#1. Find Flea Markets near me: Go to fleamapket.com
Open a new tab or window in your current browser, and type www.fleamapket.com. You can alternatively click on the image below, and it will take you directly to the website. Alternatively, you can click on the image below and it will take you directly to the site.

#2. Find Flea Markets Near Me: Flea markets on a map
Once the page loads, you will see a search bar. You can type in a specific location or just click the “Search” button. This will take you to a page showing a map with hundreds of clustered markers (red circles). Each cluster is labeled with a number that represents the exact number of flea markets available in that region. When you click on a circle, the map zooms in to reveal each individual flea market.
However, what we’re interested in here is discovering the closest flea markets to our current location. Without having to manually zoom in on the map. This is possible thanks to the embedded geolocation feature of fleamapket.com.

#3. Find a Flea Market Near Me: Enable Geolocation
In order for fleamapket.com to show you the list of flea markets near you, you will need to enable the geolocation feature on the map. Simply click on the “Where to look” icon located on the left-hand side of the screen, in the filters tab.
Once you’ve clicked the geolocation icon, your web browser (Firefox, Chrome, or IE) might ask for your permission to share your location with fleamapket.com. Simply click the “Share Location” button for a one-time sharing.

Once fleamapket has found your location, you can widen or narrow your search by dragging the proximity slider to the left (to narrow the search to a smaller radius) or to the right (to widen the search to a larger radius), or use the available filters to refine your search.
#4. Find a Flea Market Near Me: Showing my location
After you share your location with fleamapket.com, the map will zoom in on your current location. Your current position on the map appears as a pulsating blue dot. You can zoom in on the map using the + and – buttons located in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen. If you are using a smartphone or tablet, you can pinch the screen to zoom or scroll.

Voilà, you don’t need Google anymore to answer the question “flea markets near me”. The list of flea markets on fleamapket.com is updated regularly. Dozens of new venues are added every week. If you think a venue is missing, please contact us and we’ll review it to see if it meets our standards.
In addition to English (fleamapket.com), Fleamapket is now available in Spanish at fleamapket.es! ¡Para que su próximo viaje de caza de antigüedades sea todo un éxito!
A Great Day At The Flea Market Starts With What You Pack
Last but not least, remember that a great day at the flea market often starts with getting a few things right. One of those things is the gear you pack. Having the right gear will really help you go the extra mile when your “competitors” give up and head home. From your local flea market to massive antique shows and antique extravaganzas, there are a few things you’ll never be able to live without once you’ve tried them. We’ve put together a list of 60 items in our Amazon store that can potentially make life easier for flea market shoppers!

Happy flea market shopping!