Remember Vintage: a vintage market in a 16th century Italian Palace
Set in the astonishing Villa Fenaroli, a sixteenth century palace hotel located in Rezzato (Lombardy), the 7th edition...
Flazzar is a young Italian press officer and web editor. She loves to buy used books (with underlinings, inscriptions, old postcards and train tickets forgotten between pages...), and often wears bizarre hats, colorful stockings and striped t-shirt (she really loves them!). And if you're lucky enough, you might spot her ride her granny's bike or her boyfriend's cyan Vespa around Parma. In her free time, Flazzar watches old black & white movies, longing for the good ol' days. She plays vinyls on her gramophone and sings from dawn till dusk. Her feminine heroine is Scarlett O'Hara, Napoleon is the historical figure she would like to dine with, and her mystical master is Bob Dylan...