sell antiques on facebook
sell antiques on facebook

How To Sell Antiques & Vintage On Facebook & Instagram

Selling antiques online is a popular way to do business. And opportunities are expanding. More and more vendors are turning to platforms like Instagram and Facebook to sell antiques on social media.

Traditional storefronts and booths have their advantages too, but they can be costly to maintain. Or maybe you’re looking for additional outlets to reach more customers. There’s a variety of innovative ways for antique dealers and vintage vendors to sell merchandise directly on social media. Many of them rent free. Explore these options for how to sell antiques on Instagram and Facebook.  

Determine your target group

Take stock of inventory to help identify your target group. Are items authentic antiques or classic vintage? Particular pieces attract people of different interests and ages. It’s possible your target group isn’t on social media…yet.

Selling antiques on Instagram and Facebook is still in its early phases. You know your customers better than anyone. If they don’t like texting, it’s a good bet they aren’t linked up to all the apps technology has to offer. Then again, they might be too busy scrolling through pictures of antiques for sale to respond to texts.  

Choose the best social media platform to sell your merchandise

social media platform
choose the best social media platform

In that case, which platform does the target group use? Do they prefer Instagram or Facebook, or both? In terms of how we communicate and search for information, each sees a fair share of activity.

To give some insight, statistics show that over 50 percent of adults from ages 18 to 64 use Facebook while 41 percent of users are 65 and older. Numbers indicate that Instagram is on the rise, however, especially among younger populations. Each provides different ways to sell antiques and vintage.   

How to sell antiques & vintage on Instagram

Instagram shopping
Selling on Instagram

Have a point of view. Instagram is all about highlighting images. So with target group in mind, snap photos that convey a style and pique interest.

Making use of Instagram as a digital storefront is relatively simple thanks to direct messaging. Many sellers use the “comments” function to list or auction merchandise. Experienced Instagram sellers, for example, state a “first to message, first to pay” transaction policy. This method is free, but there’s also the option to pay for Instagram’s shopping features.

How to sell antiques & vintage on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace
Facebook Marketplace

Creating a listing is a breeze – and free. First, access the Facebook Marketplace Community from your computer or iPhone. Then click on “Sell Something.” Next choose the “Antiques & Collectibles” category to add descriptions, photos, and location. With 10 million followers, doors virtually open to many potential customers.

Selling some antique and vintage items such as weapons and currency can be against policy. For example, this rule may apply to rare coins. So check official guidelines before listing. And to safeguard against phishing scams, communicate with interested buyers via the Marketplace or Facebook Messenger.  

How to sell antiques & vintage in Facebook Groups

sell antiques on facebook
sell antiques on facebook

While the Marketplace is one destination for buyers and sellers, there’s also a number of Facebook Groups dedicated to trading antique and vintage goods. A Facebook Group is an online meeting place for likeminded interests and any individual or business can create one.

A perk of the group format is sellers can close the group, a way of weeding out spam from loyal followers. It’s also a good way to combine brick-and-mortar business with an online presence. Many antique dealers connect with patrons to provide collecting tips and discounts through Facebook groups.

How to sell antiques & vintage in Facebook live auctions

Facebook Live
Facebook Live Auctions

One specific Facebook group is Go Live Auctions. There’s even a fun test of knowledge to join, such as “How old must an item be to count as an antique?” Hint: an antique is at least 100 years old.

From this site, post a date to sell antique and vintage wares. Reproductions and junk are not allowed per policy, which helps attract qualified buyers. Sellers set starting bids and methods for secure payment, such as PayPal. Go Live Auctions announces scheduled sales that can run daily from early morning until past midnight.

How to sell antiques & vintage on Facebook pages

Ultimately, Facebook is unique from other ways to sell antiques online. If you already have a Facebook account and friends, you are clicks away from selling to a trusted network of people.

Selling from personal Facebook pages is similar to how you can sell antiques on Instagram through photos and comments. Post images and information to engage your friends, but also to encourage shares and likes. Building a wider social media network is good for business as well as staying in the loop about selling trends.