Alte Feuerwache flea market (Old Fire Station) - Cologne, GERMANY / Köln, DEUTSCHLAND

Starting in March, there is a small and charming flea market that takes place once a month on the outer area of the Alte Feuerwache (Old Fire Station) on Ebert square. The Alte Feuerwache flea market is exclusively attended by private exhibitors, as professional sellers would drive the prices up.
From old books to cameras, furniture and dishes you’ll find everything – and with a nice smile you can certainly make a bargain or two. A stand with coffee and homemade cake helps make you feel at home on a Sunday morning, in a pleasant and cozy atmosphere. (Photo: picture-book Cologne)
Where: Alte Feuerwache, Köln, GERMANY
When: Once a month Saturday 08:00 am – 05:00 pm OR Sunday 08:00 am – 05:00 pm