Bric à Brac de Marsac photo by letrucvintage 4
Bric à Brac de Marsac photo by letrucvintage 4

The 9 Largest Flea Markets & Antique Fairs in France

Braderie du Canal Saint-Martin in Rennes (Western France)

Deemed the second largest flea market fair in France after La Grande Braderie de Lille, La Braderie du Canal Saint-Martin, which takes place in Rennes (in the region of Ille-et-Vilaine in Brittany), gathers more than 3,500 exhibitors, and no less than 150,000 visitors.

Held annually on the third weekend of September (one day only), this gigantic garage sale is dedicated to enthusiasts who specifically seek out old wooden toys collections, clothing, old coins, stamps, rare decorative objects and even fashion accessories.

Taking place along the Canal Saint-Martin, the event also offers flea market enthusiasts a nice opportunity to stroll along the river.

When: 3rd weekend of September (Sunday)
Where: Canal Saint-Martin – 35000 Rennes
Read: Full review of la Braderie du Canal Saint-Martin