Foire aux Puces de Crèvecœur-le-Grand (Northern France)
The third largest flea market in size in France, the Foire aux Puces de Crèvecœur-le-Grand hosts over 2,200 flea market merchants, 1,300 of which are professional antique dealers.
If it only ranks third behind the Braderie de Lille and Amiens, it is only in terms of size. The Foire aux Puces de Crèvecœur-le-Grand indeed has something Lille and Amiens do not have: a strict policy regarding the type of items that can be sold at the fair.

Almost 70% of the 2,200 vendors who sell at the Foire aux Puces de Crèvecœur-le-Grand are professional antique dealers. This is the reason why this flea market has been successfully operating since 1970, welcoming every time over 40,000 flea market enthusiasts and antique shoppers from all over northern Europe.
When: Once a year on Ascension Day (40th day of Easter)
Where: Crèvecœur-le-Grand, 60360 France
Read: Full review of the Foire aux Puces de Crèvecœur-le-Grand